Ellis Tech Senior Portrait | Woodstock, Connecticut

Something you probably don’t know about me: I have 8 siblings, the
youngest are still in high school. My oldest step-daughter is older than
my youngest brother. I get to be the cool older sister at the same time
as a lame mom! I know how to be a friend to a teen and embarrass the
shit out of them at the same time; a bad influence and a Negative Nancy. Be jealous.

This is Lynsey. She’s a senior at Ellis Tech, about to join the military… and my baby sister. I’ve been hosting sleepovers with her friends since she was in preschool - participating in fashion shows, watching movies, and doing gross face masks.

All of a sudden she’s all grown up.

I can’t wait to see what she does next.


Now booking Summer and Fall Portraits for High School Seniors in the Putnam, CT area. Schedule your session now!

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