10 Tips for Moms of Boys

Let him dream. He will aspire to be a spy, or Turtleman.

Explore the woods with him.

Keep your cool when he gets staples, just beside the place he got stitches last year. Because Battle wounds.

Pick Wild Flowers with him. Some day, some lucky lady will be very happy.

Everything is a race.

Let him play in the dirtiest place possible.

He will reenact movies with the character toys. Tips to avoid watching the same movie over and over again…(and some of my boy’s favorite movies)

Play absurd, open-face Scrabble.

There’s no such thing as too many Hot Wheels. Piles of cars, and train tracks all around the house.

There will be boogers. Teach him to not wipe it on the furniture.

Boys need humorous love to grow, and a bold, tough mom to help on his journey.

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